-2 plastic gallon milk caps
-2 plastic 2-liter pop bottle caps
-Thread or thin string
-Tacky glue or E6000 glue
-Versa-tool, heating point
-Thin, long beading needle
-Recycled beads in various colors, shapes (with holes) from broken jewelry
-Silver/Gold Acrylic paints
-Paint Brush
-Scrap ribbon, rick rack, or material
STEP 1: With the heated point on a versa-tool, melt a center hole in all 4 plastic caps
STEP 2: With a layer of glue on the inside top edges of the milk caps, glue them together and let dry.
STEP 3: Paint milk caps gold, and paint pop bottle caps silver (or however you'd like). You will need 2-3 coats of paint. Let dry.
STEP 4: Glue bottom edges of pop bottle caps to each top side of (glued together) milk caps and let dry.
STEP 5: With your long, thin needle, run your thread through a bead or two, then all the way through the glued together milk caps, leaving strip at the top. You can also thread craft wire through the holes, bend a tiny circle at each end to hold all of it together.
STEP 6: At the bottom of the millk caps, thread on a few more beads, going in one hole on the last bead, out the other hole, then back up through every bead and cap you just threaded through, arriving back at the top.
STEP 7: Tie your thread into a knot for a hanger, or sew on a piece of scrap ribbon, material or string for a hanger.
OPTIONAL: Glue a scrap piece of ribbon, rick rack, or material around center of glued milk rings for an added look. You could also cut a strip of silver bag liner from a snack cracker box or other boxed item (you may need to use rubber cement for it to adhere better than with Tacky Glue). Use leftover ribbon from holiday packages from the year prior, sew on old buttons, or other small craft items. You can also use any water bottle lids, individual pop bottle lids.